We bring you Supernova TIFF trailers!

29 05 2010


Tot ce imi place (15+)

Regia: Jacek Borcuch

Premii si festivaluri: Sundance 2010, Rotterdam 2010, Pusan 2009, Radio Gdańsk Golden Clauquer Award for the film with the longest applause – Gdynia 2009


Regia: Antonio Tublén, Alexander Brøndsted

Premii si festivaluri: Tribeca 2009, Golden Goblet – Cel mai bun film, Cel mai bun actor – Shanghai 2009

Iubiri încrucişate

Regia: Mika Kaurismäki

Premii si festivaluri: Toronto 2009

Floarea deșertului

Regia: Sherry Horman

Premii si festivaluri: Venice 2009 (Giornate degli autori), Premiul publicului – Cel mai bun film european – San Sebastián 2009


Regia: François Ozon

Premii si festivaluri: Toronto 2009, Premiul special al juriului – San Sebastian 2009


Regia: Bruno Dumont


Regia: Marco Bellocchio

Premii si festivaluri: Cannes 2009 (competiţia oficială)


Regia: Nicolo Donato

Premii si festivaluri: Rome IFF, Cel mai bun film – Roma 2009, Premiul juriului – Tallinn 2009

Am omorît-o pe mama

Regia: Xavier Dolan

Premii si festivaluri: Bangkok 2009, Premiul C.I.C.A.E., Premiul Regards Jeune, Premiul SACD – Cannes 2009, Cel mai bun scenariu de debut, Trofeul Golden Bayard – Namur 2009, Premiul FIPRESCI – Palm Springs 2010

Eu sunt dragostea

Regia: Luca Guadagnino

Premii si festivaluri: Venice 2009, Pusan 2009, Toronto 2009,  Berlin 2010, Dublin Film Critics Award (2010)


Regia: Bong Joon-Ho

Premii si festivaluri: Premiul Muhr AsiaAfrica – Dubai 2009, Premiul SIGNIS – Mar del Plata 2009

Alegerea Lenei

Regia: Christophe Honoré

Premii si festivaluri: Toronto 2009 (selecţia oficială), San Sebastián 2009 (competiţie)

Tot ce poate fi mai nou și mai ciudat

Regia: Frazer Bradshaw

Premii si festivaluri: Sundance 2009, Premiul FIPRESCI – San Francisco 2009, Premiul CineVision – München 2009

Miss Kicki

Regia: Håkon Liu

Premii si festivaluri: Pusan IFF, Stockholm FF

Elixirul broaștei

Regia: Kôji Yakusho


Regia: Tsai Ming-Liang

Premii si Festivaluri: Cannes 2009 (competiţia oficială)


Regia: Thomas Vinterberg

Premii si festivaluri: Berlin 2010 (competiţia oficială)

More on: http://www.tiff.ro/filme/

Drumul spre Gala. Jurnal incredibil de calatorie incredibila

29 05 2010

Pentru AMF, producatorii si realizatorii colectiei ROcumentar, a fost o onoare nominalizarea la Gala Societatii Civile. Ne-am fi intalnit acolo cu cei care realizeaza proiecte sociale de un puternic impact si ne-am fi convins de importanta colectiei noastre.

Ne-am decis intr-un  final sa ajungem la Gala, fapt care insemna probleme nenunamarate pentru ca nu aveam decat bani de drum. Asa a inceput “drumul spre Gala”, care, cu toate neajunsurile lui, e demn de a fi povestit:

Dupa 2 saptamani de apelat la sponsori care sa ne ofere advertoriale (pliante, brosuri, DVDuri de prezentare), ne-am dat batuti si am realizat singuri cateva flyere pe care sa le prezentam la Ateneu. Eram siguri ca flyerele fara DVDuri nu inseamna nimic asa ca ne-am apucat in graba sa multiplicam colectia ROcumentar (The Director`s Cut) in noaptea dinaintea plecarii. N-am prea reusit…A fost o zi agitata si abia ne mai tineam ochii deschisi asa ca am luat cu noi 5 DVDuri.

La 10 am plecat, vrand-nevrand, cu trenul de la Cluj spre Bucuresti, fapt nu tocmai inspirat pentru ca CFRul a promis ca trenul va avea intarziere. Credeam totusi ca ajungem pana  cel tarziu la ora 8 la Ateneu.

Praf, caldura, mirosuri pestilentiale si viteza de melc…asta oferea CFRul pana la Bucuresti.  Ce zic eu, pana la Bucuresti? Poate pana la Sinaia unde s-a rupt un fir de current si am fost nevoiti sa stationam ,nu una, nu doua ore ci 3! Eu eram gata sa renunt. Eram deja hotarat sa ramanem la Sinaia peste noapte si sa ne intoarcem la Cluj a doua zi. Thea, PR-ul AMF era mai optimista….Cat de optimist poti fii dupa atatea ore? In tot optimismul ei, sunase o cunostinta din Bucuresti sa o anunte ca nu mai ajungem iar cunostinta ei ne da o veste aproape de paranormal: Sotul acesteia era cu masina la nici macar 10 minute de Sinaia, mergea spre Bucuresti si avea un loc liber in masina.

In cele 10 minute a urmat o disputa demna de un scurt metraj: eu ii spuneam Theei ca nu merg nicaieri fara ea, ea imi spunea ca e stupid sa nu merg intrucat la baza, filmele sunt ale mele si Colectia la fel….Asa ca nici nu mai stiu cand m-am urcat in masina divina si am pornit spre Bucuresti. Thea a ramas la Sinaia si speram sa ajunga macar la finalul Galei.

Timpul a trecut haotic de rapid pana cand m-am trezit in fata Ateneului iar Florin, miraculosul sofer imi ura bafta dupa ce m-a anuntat ca am ajuns.

Iau in fuga DVDurile, flyerele, smokingul si dau buzna, la propriu, in Ateneu, anuntand cine sunt si ce fac. Fetele de la intrare mi-au aratat unde ma pot schimba si intr-o fuga nebuna am ajuns in toaleta Ateneului unde am facut cunostinta cu smokingul meu modificat cu ultimii bani (exceptandu-i pe cei de drum).

Exact ca in imaginatia mea bogata, sala Ateneului stralucea, Turcescu prezenta Gala, invitatii apaudau. Respiram usurat si nu-mi venea sa cred. Ajunsesem in sfarsit la Gala Societatii Civile…fara butoni pentru ca erau  tot in Sinaia, in bagaj.

Sigur ca nu am castigat nici un premiu. Concurenta era atat de acerba incat proiectul meu low-buget, facut cu o camera video si in principiu cu un operator, era mic copil printre mamutii aceia. Marele premiu l-a castigat Mihai Eminescu Trust cu proiectul
Satul de-sine-statator (Whole Village Project). Pe ceilalti castigatori ii regasiti aici    http://www.galasocietatiicivile.ro/castigatori.php

Au urmat dupa festivitatea de premiere, cum era de asteptat, discutii despre proiectul nostru, intalniri cu alti participanti si o noapte lunga de somn.

Thea a ajuns la 11 si ceva imediat dupa terminarea festivitatii.

In celelalte 2 zile cat am mai stat la Bucuresti, am salutat interventiile divine prin vizite la muzee: al Satului, al Taranului Roman, Muzeul de Istorie.

Acum suntem inapoi la Cluj, ready and able pentru toate care o sa mai apara.

va saluta, ca de obicei,  Andem.

Ii multumim lui Bogdan Chesaru pentru fotografii.

TIFF- Evolution!

24 05 2010

Cum au evoluat spoturile TIFF? Va lasam pe voi sa decideti!

Preferatul? Asteptam comentarii!

Colectia ROcumentar a fost nominalizata la Gala Societatii Civile 2010

23 05 2010

Colectia ROcumentar, realizata de AndemMotionFilms intre anii 2006 si 2010, a fost nominalizata la Gala Societatii Civile 2010. Pe 26 mai la Ateneul Roman se vor dezvalui castigatorii Galei.  Fiti cu ochii pe AMF , alaturi de regizorul Mihai Andrei si pe PRul, Theodora Luca.

Castigatorii DOCUMENTA MADRID 2010

22 05 2010

DOCUMENTA MADRID se desfasoara de 7 ani si e un festival international de film documentar remarcat. Iata mai jos castigatorii de anul acesta.


First Prize of the Jury
LA QUEMADURA, by René Ballesteros (France, Chile).

Second Prize of the Jury
Les Racines du Brouillard by Dounia Bovet-Woltèche (Belgium).

Honorable Mention of the Jury
TABOU by Orane Burri (France).

Audience Award
EL GAUCHO by Andrés Jarach (Argentina, France).


First Prize of the Jury
UPE by Rimantas Groudis (Lithuania).

Second Prize of the Jury
RABBIT À LA BERLIN by Bartek Konopka (Germany, Poland).

Honorable Mention of the Jury
I KNOW WHERE I’M GOING by Ben Rivers (United Kingdom).

Audience Award
FORMOL by Noelia Rodríguez Deza (Spain).


First Prize of the Jury
PRESUNTO CULPABLE by Roberto Hernández and Geoffrey Smith (Mexico).

Second Prize of the Jury
COUNTRYSIDE 35X45 by Evgeny Solomin (Russia).

Honorable Mention of the Jury
BUDRUS by Julia Bacha (Palestine, Israel).

Audience Award
PRESUNTO CULPABLE by Roberto Hernández and Geoffrey Smith (Mexico).


First Prize of the Jury
LA CIUDAD DE LOS MUERTOS by Sèrge Trèfaut (Spain, Portugal).

Second Prize of the Jury
MY BEAUTIFUL DACIA by Stefan Constantinescu and Julio Soto (Spain, Romania).

Audience Award
EL REGRESO by Gustavo Gil Pérez (Spain).


First Prize of the Jury
ABIERTO 24 HORAS (MIANTIAO) by Xavi Campreciós (Spain).

Second Prize of the Jury
SIRIMAN by Joseph Gordillo (Spain).

Audience Award
I LOVE BENIDORM by Gaetano Crivaro and Mario Romanazzi (Spain, Italy).

Avid Award for Best Editing
ESPÍRITUS DE DRASSANES by Simón Hernández Estrada and Cristian Jara Fernández (Spain).

Filmotech.com Award

Mai multe detalii pe http://www.documentamadrid.com


“I want to show you something” SLEUTH

19 05 2010

“Sleuth” inseamna in argou, detectiv, copoi, a investiga sau urmarit, traducere care nu se indeparteaza de film. Filmul a fost regizat de Kenneth Branagh a carui viziune o veti fi regasit in The Boat That Rocked si in Valkyrie. Piesa Sleuth exista inca de cand a scris-o Anthony Shaffer prin anii 50 insa filmul a fost produs abia in 2007.

Andrew Wyke e un autor faimos care locuieste singur intr-o vila high-tech dupa ce a fost parasit de sotia lui Maggie,

Milo Tindle e un actor dar si iubitul actual al lui Maggie. Intre cei doi se leaga un joc de dominare-supunere, joc in care nici unul nu e mai prejos.

Cu replici teribil de inteligente, uneori asemenea unor versuri, filmul reuseste cu doar 2 actori, sa te tina in suspans vreme de aproape o ora jumatate.

Andrew Wyke: I understand you’re fucking my wife.
Milo Tindle: That’s right.
Andrew Wyke: Right… Yes, right. So, we’ve cleared that up.
Milo Tindle: We have.
Andrew Wyke: I thought you might have denied it.
Milo Tindle: Why would I deny it?
Andrew Wyke: Well, she is my wife.
Milo Tindle: Yes, but she’s fucking me.
Andrew Wyke: Oh, she’s fucking you too, huh? Well, I’ll be buggered. Ha ha. Sorry.
Milo Tindle: Yes, it’s mutual.
Andrew Wyke: You take turns?
Milo Tindle: We fuck each other. That’s what people do.
Andrew Wyke: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I follow.

Replica “I want to show you something” e repetativa si o auzim la ambii actori tocmai cand suntem pe punctul de a crede ca  unul dintre ei castiga perfidul joc.

Andrew Wyke: They’re a funny lot, the Italians. Culture isn’t really their thing.

O constructie echilibrata data de cadre simetrice care nu fac altceva decat sa ii sustina pe actori in jocul lor, o cromatica impecabila data de cadrele realizate in vila, il vor incanta pana si pe cel mai reticent cinefil.

Chiar daca filmul nu s-a bucurat decat de o nominalizare la Golden Lion – Venetia si un “Queer Lion” castigat tot la Venetia, sunt sigur ca il veti aprecia asa cum se cuvine, drept un film complex, intelligent si intr-o oarecare masura, amuzant.

IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0857265/

Sony: http://www.sonyclassics.com/sleuth/


Cannes 2010!

15 05 2010

We bring you Cannes 2010, a sum up of the main films in the Competition (Official Selection 2010).

Another Year directed by Mike Leigh

Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter. Family and friendship. Love and warmth. Joy and sadness. Hope and despair. Companionship. Loneliness. A birth. A death. Time passes…..


Biutiful by Alejandro Gozalez Inarritu

« Biutiful » is the story of Uxbal. Devoted father. Tormented lover. Mystified son. Underground businessman. Friend of the disposed. Ghost seeker. Spiritual sensitive.
A survivor at the invisible margins in today’s Barcelona. Uxbal, sensing the danger of death, tries to reconcile with love and save his children, as he tries to save himself. Uxbal’s story is simple: just one of the complex realities that we all live in today.


Copie Conforme (Certified Copie) directed by Abbas Kiarostami

This is the story of a meeting between one man and one woman, in a small Italian village in Southern Tuscany.
The man is a British author who has just finished giving a lecture at a conference. The woman, from France, owns
an art gallery. This is a universal story that could happen to anyone, anywhere.


Des Hommes et des Dieux (Of Gods and Men) directed by Xavier Beauvois

A monastery high in the mountains of the Maghreb, some time in the 90s… Eight French Christian monks live in harmony with their Muslim brothers. But violence and terror are slowly taking hold of the region. Despite the ever-growing danger that surrounds them, the monks’ resolve to stay – whatever the cost – grows stronger day by day…


Fair Game by Doug Liman

As a covert officer in the CIA’s Counter-Proliferation Division, Valerie leads an investigation into the existence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Valerie’s husband, diplomat Joe Wilson, is drawn into the investigation to substantiate an alleged sale of enriched uranium from Niger. But when the administration ignores his findings and uses the issue to support the call to war, Joe writes a New York Times editorial outlining his conclusions and igniting a firestorm of controversy.

Soon after, Valerie’s covert status is reported by a high-profile Washington journalist. With her cover blown and her overseas contacts placed in mortal danger, Valerie is pushed to the breaking point as her career and private life collapse. After years serving the government, Valerie -a mother, a wife and a field officer with an impeccable record-now struggles to save her reputation, her career and her family.


Hors la loi (Outside of the Law) Directed by Rachid Bouchareb

After losing their family home in Algeria, three brothers and their mother are scattered across the globe. Messaoud joins the French army fighting in Indochina; Abdelkader becomes a leader of the Algerian independence movement in France and Saïd moves to Paris to make his fortune in the shady clubs and boxing halls of Pigalle. Gradually, their interconnecting destinies reunite them in the French capital, where freedom is a battle to be fought and won.


La nostra vita (Our Life) directed by Daniele Luchetti

Claudio works on a site in the suburbs of Roma. He is madly in love with his wife who is pregnant with their third child. However, a dramatic event comes to upset this simple and happy life. In a rage for life, Claudio energetically fights against the injustice that fell upon him. Love and support from his friends and family as well as the laughter of his children will help him to triumph against the odds.


The Princess of Montpensier, directed by Bertrand Tavernier

France, 1562. The wars of religion between Catholics and Protestants rage against a backdrop of intrigue and shifting alliances.

Marie de Mézières, a beautiful young aristocrat, and Henri de Guise, one of the kingdom’s most intrepid heroes, are in love, but Marie’s father promises her hand in marriage to the Prince of Montpensier. The prince takes Marie back to his chateau, where she is tutored by Chabannes, the Protestant deserter he protects, who soon falls in love with the young woman. Then, on their way back from battle, Henri de Guise and the Duke d’Anjou, the heir to the throne, stop at the chateau. Henri and Marie realize their feelings for each other are as strong as ever…


Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives, directed by Apichatpong Weerasethaku

Suffering from acute kidney failure, Uncle Boonmee has chosen to spend his final days surrounded by his loved ones in the countryside. Surprisingly, the ghost of his deceased wife appears to care for him, and his long lost son returns home in a non-human form. Contemplating the reasons for his illness, Boonmee treks through the jungle with his family to a mysterious hilltop cave — the birthplace of his first life…


Outrage, directed by Takeshi Kitano

In a ruthless battle for power, several yakuza clans vie for the favor of their head family in the Japanese underworld. The rival bosses seek to rise through the ranks by scheming and making allegiances sworn over saké. Long-time yakuza Otomo has seen his kind go from elaborate body tattoos and severed fingertips to becoming important players on the stock market. Theirs is a never-ending struggle to end up on top, or at least survive, in a corrupt world where there are no heroes but constant betrayal and vengeance..


Poetry, directed by Lee Chang-dong

Mija lives with her middle-schooler grandson in a small suburban city located along the Han River. She is a dandy old lady who likes to dress up in flower-decorated hats and fashionable outfits, but she is also an unpredictable character with an inquisitive mind. By chance she takes a “poetry” class at a neighborhood cultural center and is challenged to write a poem for the first time in her life.

Her quest for poetic inspiration begins with observing the everyday life she never intentional took notice of before to find beauty within it. And with this, Mija is delightfully surprised with newfound trepidation as if she were a little girl discovering things for the first time in her life.

But when she is suddendly faced with a reality harsh beyond her imagination, she realizes perhaps life is not as beautiful as she had thought it is…


Rizhao Chongqing, directed by Wang Xiaoshuai

Lin, a sea captain, returns from a 6 month journey when he is told that his 25-year-old son Lin Bo has been gunned down by the police. In his quest to understand what happened, he realizes he knew very little about his own son. He starts a journey back to Chongqin, a city he once lived. He will understand the impact of his paternal repeated absence on the life of his child.


Schastye Moe (My Joy), directed by Sergei Loznitsa

“My Joy” is a tale of truck driver Georgy. Georgy leaves his home town with a load of goods, but he is forced to take a wrong turning on the motorway, and finds himself in the middle of nowhere. Georgy tries to find his way, but gradually, against his will, he becomes drawn in the daily life of a Russian village. In a place, where brutal force and survival instincts overcome humanity and commonsense, the truck driver’s story heads for a dead end…


Tender Son – The Frankenstein Project, directed by Kornél Mundruczo

Long ago, a young man fathered a child without ever knowing what became of him. Now 17, his son Rudi returns home hoping to reunite with his family after years spent in an institution. Returning to his mother, he hopes to find acceptance, affection, and most importantly, who his father is, but finds that he is not welcome. Almost by accident, Rudi slips into a casting session. The director of the film is transfixed by his innocence and thinks he has found his lead. But a terrible event soon compromises Rudi’s good intentions. He becomes a hunted murderer, and the director realizes that Rudi, this peculiar and silent boy, is his son and his own monstrous creation. The director now has no other choice but to accompany his son on his inevitable, brutal path and their common search for redemption.


The Housemaid, directed by Im Sangsoo

Lee Euny is hired as a housemaid in an upper class family. Soon enough, master of the house Hoon will become her lover. The family’s world will begin to fall apart.


Tournee (On Tour), directed by Mathieu Amalric

Joachim, a former Parisian television producer had left everything behind – his children, friends, enemies, lovers and regrets to start a new life in America. But he returns with a team of New Burlesque strip-tease performers whom he has filled with romantic dreams of a tour of France, of Paris!

Traveling from town to town, despite the cheap hotel rooms and lack of money, the curvaceous showgirls invent an extravagant fantasy world of warmth and hedonism that wins an enthusiastic response from men and women alike.

But their dream of a tour culminating in a last grand show in Paris goes up in smoke when Joachim is betrayed by an old friend and loses the theatre where they were due to perform. An obligatory return journey to the capital violently reopens the old wounds of his past…


Un Home Qui Crie (A Screaming Man), directed by Mahamat-Saleh Haroun

Present-day Chad. Adam, sixty something, a former swimming champion, is pool attendant at a smart N’Djamena hotel. When the hotel gets taken over by new Chinese owners, he is forced to give up his job to his son Abdel. Terribly resentful, he feels socially humiliated.

The country is in the throes of a civil war. Rebel forces are attacking the government. The authorities demand that the population contribute to the “war effort”, giving money or volunteers old enough to fight off the assailants. The District Chief constantly harasses Adam for his contribution. But Adam is penniless; he only has his son….


Burnt by the Sun 2, directed by Nikita Mikhalkov

A searing, epic tragedy of lives caught up in the violent, unstoppable wheels of an earth-shattering war – the long-awaited sequel to Nikita Mikhalkov’s Academy Award-winning “Burnt by the Sun”. 1941. Five years have passed since the destinies of General Kotov and his family were irrevocably changed.

At the beginning of the war, Kotov miraculously escapes from the camp to which he was sentenced. Believed dead by the Soviet administration, he enrolls as a private in a voluntary battalion and goes to the front. On the battlefield, he is merciless in combat against the Germans. After being gravely injured, Kotov is repeatedly offered an honourable discharge but, believing his wife Maroussia and his daughter Nadia to have died in a labour camp, chooses to remain with his comrades. In fact, things are very far from what Kotov believes. The two women are alive. Nadia, now an army nurse and convinced that her father is not dead, searches for him far and wide.

1943. KGB Major Arsentiev – Kotov’s nemesis, the man responsible for his arrest and condemnation – is ordered by Stalin himself to locate the former General. Will Arsentiev find him in a country devastated by war? And why has Stalin ordered him to find Kotov now, after so long?


Get Out!

10 05 2010

Words are useless. Just check out the great many awards! http://www.getout-lefilm.com/

Also see how it was made! http://www.getout-lefilm.com/making_of.html


P.S. More than 500000 views!

DOTT Art Festival

10 05 2010

Intre 30 aprilie-20 mai au loc inscrierile la cea de-a doua editie a DOTT Art Festival. Proiectul, sustinut cu fonduri oferite de YouthBank, se adreseaza tinerilor clujeni cu varste intre 14-21 de ani  si isi propune stimularea spiritului artistic, spiritului de competitie si a spiritului de echipa. Temele de anul acesta-  muzica, verde, vis, apa si viteza- pot fi redate artistic in trei categorii film, fotografie si desen.

Pana acum s-au inscris 21 de concurenti cumuland 65 de fotografii, 6 filme  si 10 desene.

Premierea, alaturi de proiectii si expozitii, va avea loc pe 25 mai, in Irish&Music Pub.

Va puteti inscrie la: http://dottart.com/

TIFF 28 mai- 6 iunie 2010!

5 05 2010

Aflat deja la cea de-a noua editite, binecunoscutul Festivalul Internaţional de Film Transilvania îşi propune, pentru un nou an, o selectie de filme de senzatie, alese in functie de originalitatea subiectelor şi forţa imaginilor.

12 filme de lung metraj se vor afla în Competiţia pentru câştigarea Trofeului Transilvania. Competiţia TIFF din acest an promite să fie una extrem de spectaculoasă şi diversă, fiind alcătuită preponderent din debuturi regizorale, premiate sau selecţionate la festivaluri internaţionale de prestigiu precum Cannes, Veneţia, Locarno, Rotterdam, Salonic, Sarajevo sau Varşovia. http://www.tiff.ro/stire/12-filme-spectaculoase-in-competitia-tiff/20